Meeting Cancellation, November 9, 2009
To: Governing Board Members
From: Bill Havert
Date: 10/22/2009
Re: Cancellation of November meeting
Due to the continued freeze of bond funds, the November 9, 2009 Governing Board meeting will not be held, as there are no acquisition projects requiring Board action. I will also be out of the country on that date. The next meeting will be January 11, 2010. That meeting will be held to conduct an election for Chair and Vice chair and in hopes that we will have a clearer understanding at that point as to the prospects for bond funds to become available again for acquisitions.
We are all saddened by the loss of Roy Wilson, who accomplished so much for the Coachella Valley, including in conservation. We are exploring a suitable way to honor his memory.
Between now and January, staff will continue to pursue acquisitions for the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission, coordinate with other agencies on their acquisition projects, and participate in various planning efforts.