Meeting Cancellation, May 10, 2010
To: Governing Board Members
From: Bill Havert
Date: 5/4/2010
Re: Cancellation of May meeting
The May 10, 2010 Governing Board meeting will not be held, as there are no acquisition projects or other matters requiring Board action. The next scheduled meeting is July 12, 2010, and we do expect this meeting to occur because recent successful bond sales have made some Proposition 84 funds available again. Some of the procedural details are still being worked out, but we anticipate being able to resume the Conservancy’s acquisition program shortly and hope to be able to bring grant projects to the Board in July for consideration.
The resolution sponsored by Assemblyman Nestande, with Senator Ducheny as the principal coauthor, to designate the Roy Wilson Memorial Highway along a section of Highway 74 is moving through the process in Sacramento.
The Conservancy recently completed facilitating the acquisition of two properties by the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC): 160 acres adjacent to the existing Whitewater Floodplain Preserve and 45 acres in the Willow Hole Conservation Area. Staff is continuing to pursue acquisitions for the CVCC, coordinate with other agencies on their acquisition projects, and continue preparation of the Reserve Management Unit Plans for the six management units designated by the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan.