Public Meeting Agenda, January 12, 2015


Regular Meeting – January 12, 2015, 3:00 PM
73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Conference Room 115 Palm Desert, CA 92260

Tele-conference location:
State of California, Resources Agency
1416 Ninth St., Suite 1311 Sacramento, CA 95814


1.0 Call to Order & Introductions

2.0 Approval of Minutes of November 10, 2014 meeting (See Attachment 1.)

3.0 Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda

At this time any member of the public may address the Governing Board on any item not on the agenda. The Board cannot take action on an item not on the agenda, but it can place it on the agenda for a future meeting. For items on the agenda, there will be an opportunity to speak when that item is heard. The Chair may limit the time for each speaker. Any written material may be submitted to the person taking minutes.

4.0 Closed Session

Pursuant to Government Code sections 11126 (a)(1), 11126 (e)(1) and 11126.3(a) the Board may hold a closed session to discuss and take possible action on personnel matters and or receive advice of counsel on pending or potential litigation. In addition, pursuant to Government Code section 11126 (c) 7 (A) the Board may meet in closed session with its negotiator prior to the purchase or sale of real property by or for the state body to give instructions to its negotiator regarding the price and terms of payment for the purchase or sale. Confidential memoranda related to these issues may be considered during such closed session discussions.

No closed session is scheduled.

5.0 Action items – public hearing (If there is any member of the public who wishes to address the Governing Board before action is taken, testimony from the public will be taken prior to a vote.)

5.1 Elections of Chair and Vice-Chair (See Attachment 2.)

5.2 Resolution 2015-01

Consenting to and Approving the Sale by the Friends of the Desert Mountains of up to 1159.34 Acres in Various Conservation Areas to the Bureau Land Management as Part of the Hester Land Exchange, BLM No. CACA-54435, and Establishing Conditions for the Termination and Release of Recorded Restrictions in Favor of the Conservancy on Some of Those Parcels Relating to its Grant Assistance. (See Attachment 3.)

5.3 Consideration of Proposition 1 Grant Program and Schedule (See Attachment 4).

5.4 Consideration of a Request for Conservancy Support of the California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act (See Attachment 5).

5.5 Consideration of a Request to Support 2015 Appropriations for the Endangered Species Act Section 6-Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (See Attachment 6).

6.0 Reports

6.1 Written reports from staff (See Attachment 7)

  • Reminder about State Ethics Training Requirements and Conflict of Interest (Form 700’s.)

6.2 Executive Director Report.

  • Update on Northern Coachella Valley Trails Plan Implementation
  • Status of Acquisitions Efforts

6.3 Board Member comments and reports from Conservancy member agencies.

This is an opportunity for any of the Governing Board Members to present a report on matters of interest regarding the agency he or she represents.

7.0 Adjourn to the March 9, 2015 meeting

This agenda is available on our website at Anyone with questions about any item on the agenda may contact the Conservancy at 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 112, Palm Desert, CA 92260. The phone number is (760) 776-5026.