Meeting Cancellation, May 11, 2009
To: Governing Board Members
From: Bill Havert
Date: 4/29/2009
Re: Cancellation of May meeting
Because there are no acquisition projects requiring Board action at this time, the May 11, 2009 Governing Board meeting will not be held. The next meeting is scheduled for July 13.
While the freeze on new bond-funded acquisition projects remains in effect, the Governor did recently announce that previously approved projects that had been frozen may now proceed. The Conservancy has four such projects from previously approved grants. As soon as the procedures to be followed to “restart” these projects are announced, the grantee will see if the Sellers desire to complete the sale of those properties.
You may have seen recently that the Secretary of Interior announced this year’s Section 6 grant awards. A $6 million award was made for the CV MSHCP/NCCP. The grant application was a collaborative effort of the Conservancy, USFWS, CDFG, and CVAG. The funds will be used for acquisitions to assist with implementation of the CVMSHCP/NCCP. As with all Section 6 grants, the funds will go to the Wildlife Conservation Board for expenditure. Because a non-federal match is required and CVCC funds are not eligible (as they are considered mitigation funds), practically speaking the matching funds must come from the state. As a result, the Section 6 funds can’t be expended until the freeze on state bond funds is lifted.
BLM has received $1.3 million in Land and Water Conservation Fund appropriations for acquisitions in the National Monument.
The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission has initiated acquisitions from willing sellers. Three acquisitions were approved at the CVCC’s April meeting and approximately 10 parcels are scheduled for approval at the May meeting. In its role as Acquisitions Manager, the Conservancy is continuing to present offers to landowners on behalf of the CVCC. The CVCC has also received a $350,000 Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program acquisition grant, the application for which the Conservancy prepared as part of its contract with the CVCC.