The Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy issues grants to public agencies, nonprofits, special districts, cities and tribes for projects that support watershed health, strategic land conservation, vibrant recreation and tourism, resilient communities, and wildfire recovery. The projects that we fund throughout our service area are developed by our community partners with assistance of local CVMC staff. Our holistic approach yields projects that address local needs, align with our strategic plan, and address state priorities to reduce greenhouse gas emission, improve habitat, and protect water supply infrastructure.
- Acquisitions & Capital Improvements: This program supports the acquisition of land with important biological, cultural or recreational resources or funds the construction of improvements on existing conservation lands. Acquisition priorities and funding decisions are set in close coordination with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and the state’s 30 by 30 initiative. Conservancy staff coordinate acquisitions cooperatively with numerous local governmental and nonprofit partners. Funds are awarded on an ongoing basis.
Click HERE to learn more about CVMC Acquisition Priorities.
Contact Jim Karpiak, or Diana Rosas, for more information. - Proposition 1: The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 addresses an array of challenges facing California’s limited water resources. The program objectives include preserving and restoring wetlands and habitat for endangered species, improving the reliability of water supplies, and developing a more resilient and sustainably managed water infrastructure. CVMC has typically awarded projects that support watershed protection and restoration, water quality, water supply, and flood prevention. This is a competitive program and the Conservancy issues Notices of Funding Availability approximately twice a year.
Proposition 1: Grant Program Guidelines
Contact Diana Rosas, for more information. - Proposition 68: The objectives of the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection and Outdoor Access for all Act of 2018 are to expand public access to safe parks, wildlife preserves, trails and recreation areas, mitigate the effects of climate change and encourage water conservation and drought preparedness. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Proposition 68: Grant Program Guidelines
Contact Maximiliano Ochoa, for more information - Climate Resilience and Community Access (CRCA): The CRCA grant program offers state funding to local agencies, tribes and nonprofit organizations for projects that will enhance the Valley’s local capacity to respond to climate change, better protect natural resources in the face of global warming or enhance equity in access to outdoor recreation in underserved communities. Request for Proposals are issued one to two times a year.
CRCA 02: Grant Program Guidelines
Contact Jim Karpiak, for more information.
Current Grant Opportunities
Proposition 1
The Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (the “Conservancy”) is pleased to announce its latest Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) under its Proposition 1 Grant Program. CVMC is now accepting applications for Projects implementing the California Water Action Plan in the Coachella Valley.
The Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy is pleased to announce an additional $8.5 million in grants under its CRCA Grant Program to local agencies, tribes and nonprofit organizations for projects that will promote Wildfire Resilience in the Coachella Valley. Below are the links for three RFPs that target different aspects of wildfire risk:
- RFP 2023-01: Wildfire Resilience Projects in Implementation of the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (Preapplication deadline: January 19, 2024).
- RFP 2023-02: Tribal Wildfire Resilience Projects (Preapplication deadline: February 2, 2024).
- RFP 2023-03: Wildfire Resilience Projects in Economically Disadvantaged Communities (Preapplication deadline: March 2, 2024).
- RFP 2023-04: Planning and development of enforcement programs on Conservation Lands (Preapplication deadline: February 9, 2024).
Proposition 68
Check out the California Grants Portal for information about what grants CVMC has made to date. It’s also your one destination to find all grants and loans offered on a competitive first-come basis by other California state agencies.
Workshop on CVMC’s Current grant opportunities – December 12, 2023, 2:00 pm | January 11, 2024, 2:00 pm